A staggering 9.52 million tonnes of food is wasted every year in the UK, meanwhile more than 3.5 million people are seeking support from food banks.
To mark #StopFoodWasteDay on 27th April, here at BanktheFood we're launching #WasteNot, a campaign asking shoppers to reduce food waste by swapping an item from their weekly shop and donating it to their community food bank.
Food banks are a lifeline for those in crisis, but often they are inundated with one type of item while lacking other essentials. Imagine 1000 tins of baked beans and no toilet roll!
Our revolutionary free app that sends shoppers a ‘ping' and a list of urgently needed items from their local food bank at the most crucial time - when they arrive at the supermarket. Shoppers can then add an item to their shop and donate it at the local donation station.
Take part in #WasteNot, download the free BanktheFood app, find your local food bank and help to get the goods they need.
Emma Spring, BanktheFood co-founder, explains: “It’s such a simple way to genuinely help the people around you who are struggling and who need help now more than ever. The app means people using food banks get a balance of what they need. It would be great if everyone donated just one thing. Each donation will be putting food on someone’s table, possibly the same day.”
Download our free app to help